Science Question 7

‘How are the energetic particles transported radially across magneticfield lines from the corona to the heliosphere?’

To address this question it is important to characterize accurately the spatial extent of shocks. WISPR will be able to observe the shocks as they expand towards SPP. These observations will monitor the kinematic evolution and the interactions of the shock with the ambient environment providing crucial information for interpreting the in-situ observations of the same shock. The WISPR inner FOV extends below 10 Rs for all heliocentric distances during the science-observing window, and therefore will be able to contribute to the SEP analysis for the entirety of the SPP science operations. WISPR will be able to observe shocks and CMEs as they go over the Solar Orbiter and other inner heliospheric probes that may be operating at the time. The multipoint observations will be used to reconstruct the 3-D structure of CMEs and their associated shocks. Alternatively, the shocks can be localized with the help of type-II radio observations from FIELDS, and the corresponding instruments on Solar Orbiter and STEREO. The rapid image cadence of WISPR ensures that we will record several images of the shock and associated driver before the increased cosmic ray flux due to the accompanying SEPs raises the background noise levels too high for reliable imaging.

WISPR Pub Number 1